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Tweet related community notes

2022-06-25 23:05:08
This tweet insinuates that the Republican Party is somehow responsible for the national baby formula shortage. They are not. This tweet was further liked by Levar Burton which would expand the tweet's reach in addition to its inaccurate information. [Link]
2022-06-26 00:30:30
Tweet references when GOP leaders who voted against H.R.7791 also called the "Baby Formula Bill" and how although they are "Pro-life" they took an active role in not securing the necessary resources for the life. The bill did pass, so this is an oversimplification. [Link]
2022-06-26 17:54:59
[Link] The tweet attacks politicians who claim to be pro life but voted against a bill to remedy the baby formula shortage. As is the case with many tweets, additional context is helpful, but the point is legitimate even without it .
Evaluate Notes