2022-10-29 22:44:12
Comedy is subjective. My account was suspended for a day over a joke that was considered to be advocating violence. My answer was read out of context. Context is important when considering humor or meaning in most any statement/post. NEEDS_MORE_RATINGS(4-5-24) Author
2022-10-29 23:33:06
Lots of leeway has now begun for Twitter during the Elon regime. His tweet is funny to me… not holding it to extreme scrutiny, just funny as a joke is intended. NEEDS_MORE_RATINGS(7-0-15) Author
2022-10-30 13:51:37
Not everything on Twitter is meant to be taken so seriously that we need to make notes about it. There are far more important subjects to birdwatch. NEEDS_MORE_RATINGS(11-0-10) Author