2022-10-30 13:44:03
Hillary Clinton is attempting to lead people past the sale by implying the politics of an intruder are MAGA with no proof at at. NEEDS_MORE_RATINGS(7-4-30) Author
2022-10-30 14:18:23
The investigation into the Pelosi suspect and his motives have not been released. News organizations have used speculation that the suspect was a far‐right conspirator as a basis for reporting. [Link][Link] NEEDS_MORE_RATINGS(10-8-14) Author
2022-10-30 15:23:00
Tweet doesn’t provide support in how violence against members of congress have increased threats and acts of violence. Threats are often tied to extreme GOP followers engaged w/ conspiracy theory, the big lie and racism [Link][Link][Link] NEEDS_MORE_RATINGS(7-6-8) Author
2022-10-30 16:22:44
It's arrogant to ask other users to elevate your commentary to a notable person's tweet when you are agreeing with that tweet and 'just adding more context.' There's only so much room in a Tweet and this isn't debate club: every tweet doesn't need to be a full dissertation. NEEDS_MORE_RATINGS(0-2-11) Author
2022-10-30 17:19:51
Clinton is not alone in this claim, the F.B.I. has repeatedly said that extremist violence from right-wing actors is one of the biggest threats confronting the bureau. [Link] Paul Pelosi’s attacker has written many racist, antisemitic and pro-Trump blog entries. [Link] NEEDS_MORE_RATINGS(15-1-3) Author
2022-10-31 11:32:52
Tweet was made by Hillary C. CURRENTLY_RATED_NOT_HELPFUL(0-0-2) Author