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2023-01-19 21:13:52
“Almost all U.S. students receive some form of sex education…between grades 7 and 12”. “Numerous studies show that curricula providing accurate information about condoms and contraception can lead to reductions in risky behaviors[,] unintended pregnancies and STIs.” [Link]
2023-01-19 23:59:18
[Link] Pedophilic and pornographic materials are being shown to public and private school children under the guise of "sex education". This material is age inappropriate and meets the standards for grooming.
2023-01-20 03:29:08
The "Rainbow Room" is a support group meeting Wednesday nights at a Church in Doylestown, PA. Participation is voluntary, and not part of any school based program or class. Sex ed classes have been shown to reduce unplanned pregnancy, sexual abuse, and other harmful outcomes. [Link] [Link]
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