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2023-02-24 20:21:22
Observational studies have reached conflicting conclusions on mask efficacy. The list of studies compiled by the CDC does not include studies which found no statistically significant benefit of masking, such as the following: [Link] [Link] [Link] [Link] [Link] [Link] [Link] [Link]
2023-02-24 21:44:17
The information provided is factually correct and in full context. The other notes cited studies are not related to mask efficacy. 1-3,5, and 7 are related to mask *mandates*, not the efficacy of masks when used properly. 4th is commentary. 6 and 9 are preprints on mandates.
2023-02-25 23:23:45
Video taken on board the USS Theodore Roosevelt during the outbreak, along with the Navy’s command investigation, showed that sailors were not wearing masks as the CDC study claims. [Link] [Link]
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