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Tweet related community notes

2023-02-28 05:27:00
As of now, no police report has been filed or other supporting evidence such as a video or corroboration witness been released. It is not to say that the event described above did not occur, but to hold judgment or condemnation until more information comes to light.
2023-02-28 05:56:01
Research online shows no such incident reported by a news media local or national, no location given, nor does Ms. Greene mention if either she or the restaurant filed a police report for harassment or an "attack" or if any subsequent measures were taken.
2023-02-28 06:04:10
The tweet is a personal experiences being shared. The notes above are biased and unnecessary.
2023-02-28 11:08:27
The tweet is relating what she believes to be a lived experience. It's no different than distorted claims made by AOC. It's one person's perception of an event & while there may be no evidence to prove it happened, there's nothing to prove it didn't. No note needed.
2023-02-28 21:12:35
MTG provides no evidence this ever occurred and none has surfaced from other sources. In today’s environment in which everyone has a camera in their pocket, I find this incredulous. However, this is plenty of evidence of MTG acting in this manner. [Link] [Link]
2023-02-28 22:15:52
There is no fact checking that needs to be done here. This tweet is based on a personal experience.
2023-03-02 17:12:44
This presents personal observation of an event. Previous notes cite unrelated instances to attempt to disprove this event. Notes are not necessary and those previous notes belong in comments not in notes.
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