2023-05-03 18:12:02
According to the article by nbc news two weeks ago, grocery prices are on the rise again for the rest of the year. Stats in the article cite the Bureau of Labor for the rising prices. [Link] NEEDS_MORE_RATINGS(10-1-3) Author
2023-05-03 18:52:54
According to AAA, gas prices have risen 21 cents in the last month. [Link] Consumer price index shows food eaten at home ( groceries) have risen 3.7% since last year. [Link] CURRENTLY_RATED_HELPFUL(75-4-4) Author
2023-05-03 19:26:29
Forbes indicates the average gas price under President Trump was much lower than the current price of gas: [Link] Their article compares average prices for gasoline under the last four presidents. NEEDS_MORE_RATINGS(9-1-4) Author