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2023-05-21 01:21:22
The Dixie Flag and it's many variations are famously representative of the losing side, later the Battle Flag becoming a symbol synonymous with the KKK. Less than 50% of southern Americans view it as a symbol of the south. A quick history lesson: [Link]
2023-05-21 17:31:11
The American Confederacy was definitionally treasonous, ("levying war" against the USA) and it enshrined protections for race-based slavery in its constitution. (Art. I ยง9 cl. 4) Its flags are often used by hate groups like the KKK to signal racist intentions [Link] [Link] [Link] [Link]
2023-05-21 20:24:43
NNN Even with its loose use of "objectively," this tweet is still a personal opinion, and counterarguments to its easy to contest stance, which many of these notes do a good job doing, should be kept in the comment section.
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