2023-05-24 23:32:58
Both screenshots are not from the World Health Organization's website. The cited study shows only two cases of Multiple Sclerosis and additionally states, "The rapidly developed vaccinations are highly effective in preventing severe disease courses and have been proven safe." [Link] CURRENTLY_RATED_HELPFUL(13-5-17) Author
2023-05-25 02:22:13
The first study reports 2 cases out of 13 billion doses administered of COVID-19 vaccines and states "vaccinations are highly effective in preventing severe disease courses and have been proven safe." The second study is not on COVID-19 vaccines. [Link][Link] NEEDS_MORE_RATINGS(4-0-3) Author
2023-05-25 14:36:30
This study and website is directly from the WHO. It is called the WHO Covid-19 Research Database; [Link] The other note incorrectly says it's not. The other notes also mention facts that don't dispute the original claim. NNN NEEDS_MORE_RATINGS(0-0-1) Author
2023-06-03 15:57:59
The WHO research database links to a study claiming that vaccination can induce MS. This *is* on the WHO website, but WHO did not make the claim; its disclaimer states that it links to research published elsewhere; and the 2nd study is from 2011 and not about vaccination. [Link][Link] NEEDS_MORE_RATINGS(0-0-0) Author