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2023-05-30 19:28:02
There is no evidence to show that trans people are more at risk of violence in the UK. Trans identified people may exhibit a higher incidence of poor mental health but there is no evidence to show that is a result of their trans identity, as opposed to a correlation.
2023-05-30 20:40:51
There are no statistics to support the claim about suicide rates. From The Office of National Statistics, 2018: "Detailed information on whether the person was transgender or gender dysphoric is not generally available. We do not hold information on attempted suicides." [Link]
2023-05-30 20:59:09
Transgender people have same suicide risk factors as cisgenders, plus additional risk factors associated with minority stress and lack of access to gender-affirming medical care. These additional risk factors contribute to a higher prevalence of suicide thoughts and attempts. [Link]
2023-05-31 10:22:31
This tweet may not represent facts backed by evidence. Some research in this field has been shown to be "skewed". Transgender identifying people have a range of mental health comorbidities which are contributing factors. A range of evidence with links, is discussed here [Link]
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