2023-08-03 20:35:33
There is zero evidence provided that the two males committed any sort of illegal act. It appears that police officers simply seized all of this food without question because they thought it suspicious. This may change if a criminal charge record is provided NEEDS_MORE_RATINGS(41-3-14) Author
2023-08-04 01:17:01
NNN. This is a police account expressing a factual claim — they do not claim a crime was committed. Whether the action was reasonable under U.K. law is for courts to decide, not community notes. There is nothing misleading here. NEEDS_MORE_RATINGS(2-1-2) Author
2023-08-07 14:04:23
Top note is right Note of "This is a police account expressing a factual claim - they do not claim a crime was committed" is wrong Tweet says the goods were "obviously not bought (for personal consumption)", and the goods were SEIZED! Cops can't SEIZE goods w/out assumed crime NEEDS_MORE_RATINGS(0-0-0) Author