2023-06-14 16:52:24
NNN. The proposed note includes a link to a reference which in fact supports the tweet author’s point. “For others, the term Dark Ages is intended to be neutral, expressing the idea that the events of the period seem 'dark' to us because of the paucity of the historical record.” NEEDS_MORE_RATINGS(4-0-3) Author
2023-06-14 19:14:46
Most modern scholars avoid the term dark ages due to its negative connotations, finding it misleading and inaccurate. On the contrary, medieval Europe created a rich repository of art and literature which greatly influenced the development of western civilization as we know it. [Link] NEEDS_MORE_RATINGS(1-1-2) Author
2023-06-15 00:34:40
Many written sources from the so-called“dark ages” exists. Translations of some of them can be found freely online such as here: [Link] CURRENTLY_RATED_HELPFUL(28-1-3) Author
2023-06-15 12:48:03
The note’s claim is a hyperbolic overstatement, but the author is clearly pointing out the relative paucity of sources from this period is itself evidence of decline. NEEDS_MORE_RATINGS(0-0-2) Author