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2023-07-12 21:35:22
Inflation is all across America, Florida is impacted by higher priced property due to people leaving New York and California and moving to Florida. Florida has an unemployment rate of 3.3% and is still among the most popular states to move too.
2023-07-12 22:07:08
NNN. This tweet (1) expresses a political opinion and (2) refers to accurate data from the US Bureau of Labor Statistics showing the Miami and Tampa metro areas with much higher inflation than most other metros in the US (besides Phoenix). [Link]
2023-07-13 00:14:12
As governor of Florida, Ron Desantis has little control over CPI. That is the job of the federal government and the Federal Reserve. [Link] Florida has seen housing market growth whereas most states are in decline. This increases their CPI and is considered local success. [Link]
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