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2023-07-14 21:23:32
That is not Mike Pence in the video, but rather Bruce Blakeman, the executive for Nassau county, New York. Blakeman's original post of the video: [Link]
2023-07-14 22:33:54
This is a video of Nassau County (New York) Executive Bruce Blakeman getting hit in the head with a water balloon. It was filmed during the 2023 Stewart Manor Parade — a Fourth of July parade long associated with water balloons. [Link]
2023-07-14 22:54:54
The author of this tweet admitted to writing fake claims and knowing the person hit with the water balloon was not Mike Pence. [Link] The true identity of the person hit with the water balloon is Nassau County, NY executive Bruce Blakeman, who originally shared the video. [Link]
2023-07-14 23:57:23
The man hit by the balloon is Nassau County (New York) Executive Bruce Blakeman, who shared the video on his own Twitter profile. This occurred on July 4 2023 during the Street Manor Parade, an event known for featuring water balloons. [Link] [Link] [Link]
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