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2023-07-25 17:23:45
This is not because of the COVID vaccine the user is implying. Athletes are more prone to cardiac arrest and there's several cases per year. [Link] [Link] Here's a list of athletes that died in the past due to it [Link]
2023-07-26 12:38:49
Sudden cardiac death isn't the same as sudden cardiac arrest (SCA). SCA is the sudden loss of heart activity due to an irregular heart rhythm. Survival is possible with fast, appropriate medical care. [Link]
2023-07-27 07:10:32
2004-2008, 273 sudden deaths were recorded among NCAA athletes, with 68% from nonmedical causes and 29% medical. Cardiovascular issues led in 56% of medical cases and 75% of deaths during exertion. SCD incidence was 1:43,770/year overall but 1:3100/year in DivI male basketball. [Link]
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