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Tweet related community notes

2023-08-02 03:41:58
The original picture wears a towel, and has no penis. This picture has been altered. Trans surgery is not mutilation. Also, it does not apply to "children" as per the tweet; the earliest a trans youth can get referred for surgical intervention in England is 17 years old. [Link] [Link]
2023-08-02 04:36:41
The picture has been altered to show genitalia. The original had a towel over the groin. [Link]
2023-08-02 07:43:20
It is clearly a comment on the original picture. It would be more authentic if Costa would have included other scars such as forearms rather than just chest scars. But the forearm surgery to create a phallus may not be as ‘marketable’ as chest surgery.
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