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2023-08-18 17:14:22
Solo speculazioni estrapolate dai titoli di articoli di giornale dove sono state prese poche frasi decontestualizzate.
2023-08-18 17:21:11
This is totally misleading and fake. He has published a book not a manifesto and in this book he offers his legit personal point of view about few and different topics. He has never raised or suggested hate toward Third parties, he simply expressed himself. [Link]
2023-08-18 21:19:00
The post contain fake news. The journalist did not check the facts, she just wrote her biased opinion. Just watching the interview to Vannacci (author of the book), it is easy to see that Rula is just denigrating a person without any foundation [Link]
2023-08-21 19:27:21
The Italian general published the book "Il mondo al contrario", which is not a 'Fascism Racial Manifesto' - neither in form nor content - but a series of legitimate opinions on various social issues. Sources: - the book; - his interview on TG4: [Link] - excerpt of the interview: [Link]
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