2023-08-20 16:09:38
These 'choices and mistakes' could very well be made by one of the editors MrBeast hired without him knowing of said mistakes. CURRENTLY_RATED_NOT_HELPFUL(3-0-15) Author
2023-08-20 16:18:14
While yes, it is highly unlikely that Mr Beast signed off on each of these choices personally, most people will automatically assume this. The video is his content in the end. NNN NEEDS_MORE_RATINGS(8-0-0) Author
2023-08-20 17:35:02
NNN It's clearly a joke thread NEEDS_MORE_RATINGS(4-1-0) Author
2023-08-20 21:15:34
Suggested note is speculation/opinion; as the creator, MrBeast ultimately has final editorial control over their product, and besides which, the tweet's deeming of choices as "strange" is their own opinion as well. Absolutely NNN, for the aforementioned reasons. NEEDS_MORE_RATINGS(1-0-0) Author
2023-08-20 21:15:50
The cited video does not contain any political statement by any of the hosts. the visual map used in the video is likely based on preexisting assets NEEDS_MORE_RATINGS(0-0-6) Author
2023-08-20 21:17:09
The note is speculative: we don't have any evidence on who (as a physical person) did this. But the original tweet might be referring to MrBeast, as YouTube channel, company and brand, and not James Stephen Donaldson, the person. An abuse of language with no needed extra context. NEEDS_MORE_RATINGS(1-0-0) Author