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2023-09-04 19:14:21
The CDC said that even people who have immunity from a previous Covid infection, or from the vaccine, are still more susceptible to this variant than to previous ones. Not that vaccinated are at a higher risk than unvaccinated. [Link]
2023-09-04 21:19:29
The CDC stated that the new variant "may be more capable of causing infection in people who have previously had COVID-19 or who have received COVID-19 vaccines." Those who are previously unvaccinated and uninfected appear to be at lower risk. [Link]
2023-09-04 21:36:05
CDC stated that this variant may be more likely than other variants to infect those who have some immunity due to prior infection or vaccination. The CDC statement does not include any analysis comparing risk of infection between vaccinated and unvaccinated persons. [Link]
2023-09-04 22:19:46
The CDC report claims that the new variant has a higher chance of infection compared to other variants for those vaccinated/previously infected. Nowhere does it claim that those vaccinated are at a higher risk than those unvaccinated. [Link]
2023-09-04 23:47:50
The CDC stated that this variant may be more likely than other variants to infect those who have some immunity due to prior infection or vaccination. The statement from the CDC does not include analysis comparing risk of infection between vaccinated and unvaccinated persons. [Link]
2023-09-05 01:06:42
The CDC said “ The large number of mutations in this variant raises concerns of greater escape from existing immunity from vaccines and previous infections compared with other recent variants.” Not that you’re more susceptible to it if you were vaccinated or had Covid [Link]
Evaluate Notes