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2023-10-13 23:13:35
This video was allegedly taken from the first day of conflict in kibbutz Holit. There is no evidence that the children were taken to be used as human shields. The video is used by pro Hamas people to say that they were not harming people. We don’t know.
2023-10-14 02:48:39
The posted video has had its end cut out. It was posted after the first day of the attacks, purportedly as evidence that Hamas is not targeting children. "We have mercy in our hearts, we don't kill babies like you do" can be heard at the end. Full video: [Link]
2023-10-14 03:51:17
Tweet is more of a personal opinion.
2023-10-14 05:42:37
The video was shot in an Israeli village after they slaughtered everyone and everything. Pro Hamas propaganda tries to make it seem that Hamas cares about children. They should not have killed the parents of the children if they cared.
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