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2023-10-23 16:17:00
The timing of this post suggests the warships were recently deployed to the region in response to the ongoing conflict in Israel and Gaza. This is misleading. The Chinese 44th Naval Escort Task Force has been in regular operations in the region since May. [Link]
2023-10-23 16:28:44
NNN, Timing is not relevant to the nature of this post. The post is relaying an event that has taken place and is not making any claims as to the intentions of said event.
2023-10-23 17:01:51
According to a statement from the Chinese Ministry of Defense, the 44th Naval Escort Task Force has been in regular operations in the region since May, escorting shipping missions. [Link] [Link]
2023-10-23 18:50:31
No note needed as the post does not state a time period. In addition, The South China Morning Post is reporting this as very recent movement of ships. [Link]
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