2023-10-28 06:10:56
According to the The Global Language of Business, that helps regulate product barcodes, States in a FAQ that it is not always intended to show a country of origin. [Link] This does not mean that all products that start with "729" are from Israel CURRENTLY_RATED_HELPFUL(3-3-2) Author
2023-10-28 06:27:26
NNN The original CN said the barcode prefix does not indicate country of origin. The original tweet, however, make no mention of country of origin. The 729 prefix indicates that the manufacturer is based in Israel, i.e. that the company/subsidiary is Israeli [Link] NEEDS_MORE_RATINGS(2-0-4) Author
2023-10-28 13:01:38
The first digits of a barcode number indicate the location of a company’s headquarters or office location, not its production facilities. Thus, 729 doesn't exactly mean "made in Israel", but "Israeli company". [Link] NEEDS_MORE_RATINGS(0-0-1) Author