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2023-11-02 13:29:03
There is no evidence to suggest these patches have been taken from anyone, as the uniform of origin is not featured in the video. Military Patches are freely available to order online and can be shipped globally. NASA is a Space Agency and has no military arm. [Link] [Link]
2023-11-02 17:52:47
You can easily buy these patches on any online vendor and on aliexpress. NASA does not have a presence in the Russian invasion of Ukraine. It is a space agency of the the US government. [Link]
2023-12-25 09:04:12
Нет никаких оснований полагать, что эти нашивки были у кого-то взяты, поскольку на видео не показана униформа происхождения. Военные нашивки можно бесплатно заказать через интернет и доставить по всему миру. [Link]
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