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2023-11-04 16:52:13
There is no evidence the Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine contains SV40 DNA. [Link]
2023-11-04 17:23:46
Simian virus 40 (SV40) is a monkey virus that was administered to human populations by contaminated vaccines which were produced in SV40 infected monkey cells. [Link] There’s no evidence to support the claim that the COVID-19 vaccines contain monkey DNA nor the virus known as SV40. [Link]
2023-11-04 18:03:34
The post presents the presence of DNA contamination as fact while the only supporting evidence is in question, not peer reviewed and used batches of vaccine not shipped under temperature control. Pfizer and the European Medicines Agency deny the presence of SV40 [Link] [Link]
2023-11-04 20:40:36
SV40 is a nonfunctional DNA fragment. By the study authors' own measurements, the amount of DNA/vial fell below FDA guidance via qPCR. The analysis is not peer reviewed. There is no evidence of DNA contamination of COVID-19 vaccines [Link] [Link]
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