2023-11-09 09:30:55
You can clearly see a man who holds an “Israel - USA” flag is attacked. No community notes needed. NEEDS_MORE_RATINGS(12-1-3) Author
2023-11-09 18:43:28
The video in questions shows protestors clashing. This is not abnormal, but it is violence. There is no evidence that the attack was specifically by the assailed being Jewish. The post positions the event like a hate crime, when there is no evidence to suggest it was. [Link] CURRENTLY_RATED_NOT_HELPFUL(1-0-8) Author
2023-11-10 08:52:40
further context provided in a tweet of a witness + video indicates the person attacked may have hit the car with the flag & the driver was then maxed, which resulted in this video [Link] NEEDS_MORE_RATINGS(1-1-1) Author