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2023-11-12 17:31:32
At the moment, there is no evidence to prove Putin is dead. „Ukrainian intelligence claimed that the rumors are generated and spread from within the Kremlin, to gauge the reaction of the Russian public and to help the government tighten domestic control“ [Link] [Link]
2023-11-12 18:25:08
The author maintains an opinion based on facts he shares which may or may not be true. However a note made should be on the facts not on the opinion. The author does not maintain that Putin is dead. He questions it based on those facts in an investigative / interpretative manner.
2023-11-12 21:57:30
NNN Stop abusing CN with comments that clearly belong in the replies. The author does not claim that Putin has died.
2023-11-13 08:40:55
The post misrepresents its source. Valerii Solovey is not a retired KGB General but an academic known for incorrect predictions. The most famous of those: Putin would step down in 2021. Contrary to another post's claim ("hasn't been harassed"), his flat was raided in Feb 2022. [Link]
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