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2023-11-13 21:03:45
Under the Amnesty Law, 'Article 2.' excludes 'TITLE XXIII' offences like treason and threats to state peace or independence, including National Defence. This implies ongoing investigations, such as Russian involvement in the Catalan independence process, won't be halted. [Link] [Link]
2023-11-14 07:58:55
The Spanish amnesty law that is about to be passed is a very controversial law on which legal experts have issued opinions in favor and against. Anne Applebaum expresses its opinion. There is no need for a community note, which would be nothing more than another opinion. [Link] [Link]
2023-11-14 10:06:28
Russian interference in Catalonia's independence process is a Spanish far-right argument to justify the persecution of Catalan political leaders. [Link] [Link] [Link]
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