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2023-11-14 11:07:11
This post misleadingly equates fences to the border wall. The barricade for the APEC summit in San Francisco is temporary portable fencing along major urban streets. [Link] [Link] New border wall is permanent, expensive, and adjacent to unpopulated areas. [Link] [Link]
2023-11-14 13:58:33
NNN. Rep. Jordan is expressing a personal opinion. All dissenting views belong in the comments. [Link] [Link]
2023-11-14 15:28:43
Note not needed. The border wall is primarily a fence made out of steel bollards. Fence and wall have been used interchangeably in this context. [Link] The representative never claimed that the APEC summit fence was permanent and in fact implied it was just for Xi Jingping's visit.
2023-11-14 15:59:57
The Representative is quipping about the privacy wall/fence/barricade that is clearly there to hide the crap from the visiting parties which flies in the faces of those who live there. The joke is that the people in charge of that area think the visitors are more important.
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