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2023-11-16 15:21:02
Writer claims there is no Hamas base under the Al Shifa Hospital. While IDF found weapons there as shown in their tweets. Also a journalist spoken to hamaspeople im this very hospital back in 2014. It is well known there is a base. Journalist post below: [Link]
2023-11-16 18:39:20
It is clearly seen in the video that the IDF found a lot of things (like ammunition) that shouldn’t be present on the hospital premises. So the word “nothing” shouldn’t be present. Source: [Link]
2023-11-17 16:07:54
The IDF has found multiple caches of Hamas weapons, tunnel systems and bodies of two Israeli hostages directly within and around the Al Shifa hospital complex. [Link]
2023-11-17 16:17:35
On top of the evidence found and shown in the IDF video, Amnesty International - which is not exactly a pro-Israël organization - already reported the fact that Al Shifa harbored Hamas terrorists in 2014. [Link]
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