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2023-11-16 23:15:20
This is false. The term “antisemitism” was invented in 1879 by German agitator Wilhelm Marr to describe the various anti-Jewish campaigns at the time (which he supported). It never meant prejudice against people speaking Semitic languages. [Link]
2023-11-17 00:35:19
Semites are defined as anyone who speaks OR spoke a Semitic language. This includes Jews & Arabs. [Link] Stop abusing CN to express opinions/purposeful misinformation.
2023-11-17 04:03:55
NNN. Arab people are semitic race too, Jews don't have a monopoly on anti-semitism just because the term was coined for them. Anti-semitic can still be used for people who is anti-arab. In fact it's more accurate for the arabs because most jews nowadays barely semitic anyway.
2023-11-17 07:31:43
Languages change. The post presents the use of the word antisemitism to refer to a hatred of all Semites, including Arabs, as factual and correct. In truth, this is a niche use of the word, and is generally considered erroneous at best or deliberately confusing at worst. [Link]
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