2023-11-25 09:43:51
The execution took place in the West Bank by the military wing of Hamas because of suspected collaboration with Israel [Link] NEEDS_MORE_RATINGS(19-0-44) Author
2023-11-25 10:02:05
The post is accurate in every way.. There doesn't need more context or community notes. NEEDS_MORE_RATINGS(38-1-4) Author
2023-11-25 11:51:25
NNN. The post is factual, any additional information can be added to replies. Please stop trying to note factual tweets so the journalist loses money, this is a form of harassment. To those who vote on notes, please mark notes such as these as harassment or abuse. NEEDS_MORE_RATINGS(28-2-3) Author
2023-11-25 22:15:08
Fully agree, it’s pure harassment NEEDS_MORE_RATINGS(0-0-2) Author
2023-11-25 23:10:22
Tulkaram camp and Kfar rai are in the west bank meaning that they are not under hamas control. Thus, its unlikely that they had anything to do with this. [Link] NEEDS_MORE_RATINGS(1-0-6) Author
2023-11-25 23:30:28
The original post is factual, Hamas has indeed released this statement: “the executions were carried out after the Palestinians were found guilty of collaborating with Israeli intelligence,” [Link][Link] NEEDS_MORE_RATINGS(1-0-1) Author
2023-11-26 00:09:35
The execution and claim was not made by Hamas but by an organisation called "Resistance Security". [Link] NEEDS_MORE_RATINGS(1-0-7) Author