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2023-12-01 04:08:08
Fact check: The data shows that Governor Newsom’s claim is false. Net migration in 2021 and 2022 was ~34,916 from California to Florida. [Link] [Link]
2023-12-01 05:44:40
Fact check: Claim is correct, net migration has increased from Florida to California although it is not massive the Data from the census bureau and studied by Jennifer Lynne Van Hook, director of the Population Research Institute at Penn State University shows this is fact [Link]
2023-12-01 20:05:33
According to Florida's own data: "More Floridians moving to California per capita than the other way around is part of a nearly two-decade trend, said Stefan Rayer, director of the University of Florida’s Population Program in the Bureau of Economic and Business Research." [Link]
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