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2023-12-04 23:55:58
28x13 = 364… This is one day off from the actual number of days in a year. We cannot fix this with a leap year because it would have to be every year. Furthermore, the leap year would make one month unequal and start the month on a different day every year [Link]
2023-12-05 07:00:14
NNN. OK, so we abolish leap years and use 364 days a year. Who says we need to stick to that rules. Just change it.
2023-12-05 07:28:40
Proposed note is not needed. There is no particular reason we couldn't make years 364 days and have a leap week every 7 - 9 years which would not be part of any month.
2023-12-05 07:56:08
No Note Needed. It's a question that should only be discussed through comments. Note abusers (both sides) shouldn't discuss ideas and answers via notes. Use the comment section!
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