2023-12-06 19:48:12
While the strict definition of the word Intifada is uprising, it's specifically used to refer to the armed uprisings against Israel known as the First and Second Intifada, with its first known use in 1985. Source: Merriam- Webster [Link] See also: [Link] NEEDS_MORE_RATINGS(9-2-8) Author
2023-12-06 20:20:48
NNN - the 1st Palestinian Intifada was explicitly non-violent and the 2nd one was violent but not genocidal. Both aimed at the removal of Israeli troops from the Occupied Territories, not the eradication of Israelis. [Link] NEEDS_MORE_RATINGS(7-0-2) Author
2023-12-07 17:02:52
NNN - stop abusing community notes with US and Israeli spin. What Hasan says here is a simple statement of fact. NEEDS_MORE_RATINGS(1-0-2) Author