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2023-12-12 10:10:33
The y-axes of these graphs do not begin at zero—inflating the appearance of a change in the test scores over time. [Link]
2023-12-12 11:07:57
PISA scores are scaled. A 0 starting point is irrelevant because of this. There’s a clear drop and the question posed is a good one. Why? Phones? Harder tests? Change in scaling process? See “what do the test scores mean” under “results” [Link]
2023-12-12 14:14:25
The charts are not misleading, PISA scores ranged from 337-560 in the 81 countries that administer PISA testing in 2023. With an average of 485. Starting at zero would skew the results and provide an incorrect picture. [Link]
2023-12-13 10:59:33
The drops are so drastic I’d like to see formula history and see if we aren’t seeing a drop because of a differing testing instrument, formula, or grading metric. Possibly a combination of all. Without knowing how this information was plotted, it leads to strange conclusions. [Link]
2023-12-13 12:14:30
The PISA doesn't have same number of countries each assessment phase, because OECD has new members. PISA was conducted in 2012 with a 65 countries in those areas. [Link] In the 2022, 81 countries participated. [Link] These were newer OECD members, so lower overall scores not unexpected.
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