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2023-12-13 23:51:19
Claim is false. Testing of multiple water sources in the Mt. Shasta area – both in 2014 and now – found safe levels of aluminum, based on EPA. Mt. Shasta region naturally has higher aluminum levels. There is no evidence the aluminum levels are connected to geoengineering. [Link]
2023-12-14 01:33:16
1/ USA today fact/check has editorial and financial bias 2/ USA today article refers to aluminum in the ground, whereas the post comments on the monumental increase between the aluminum in the ground and the aluminum in the snow. 3/ Quoting FDA adds no credibility NNN
2023-12-14 18:56:53
No, chemtrails are not part of a geoengineering project involving injecting large amounts of aluminium into the atmosphere to block the dun rays. The film mistakenly claims aluminium levels are high by comparing them to water levels. [Link]
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