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2023-12-15 16:34:38
E904 is an FDA identifier for shellac, a secretion of the lac bug that has been used in food, cosmetics, and consumer goods for centuries both as an adhesive and to create a glossy appearance. It is considered safe to consume by the FDA and EU food safety authorities. [Link]
2023-12-15 16:49:26
E904 is an FDA identifier for shellac, a secretion of the lac bug that has been used in food, cosmetics, and consumer goods for centuries both as an adhesive and to create a glossy appearance. It is considered safe to consume by the FDA and EU food safety authorities. [Link] [Link]
2023-12-15 19:20:04
No notes needed, this is factually correct. The video also provides context and more details on the use of the lac bug in coatings: [Link] Further comments and discussion can go in replies.
2023-12-16 09:31:27
According to European Food Safety Authority (EFSA), Carmine (E120) can indeed trigger Allergies. Carmine does not pose a risk concering genotoxicy. Both Carmine and Shellac (E904) is considered safe to consume by the FDA (Food and Drug Administration) and EFSA. [Link] [Link] [Link] [Link] [Link]
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