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2023-12-22 13:55:28
As Israel did since 7th of October on daily basis, they bombed a lot of places which caused many civilians death. No proof that tunnels were destructed nor they were the target of these bombings. [Link]
2023-12-22 14:26:35
Israel has been indiscriminatley bombing Gaza since the 7th of October. This "carpet bombing" campaign has destroyed 60% of civilian infrastructure. There is no evidence provided that the bombing has successfully targeted or destroyed a single tunnel. [Link] [Link]
2023-12-22 17:15:45
Contrary to the other statements there are a lot of evidence from Israel hitting tunnel networks, both up close and by precision bombing Example [Link]
2023-12-23 00:33:13
NNN. This is a photo that major news outlets are reporting as tunnels having been destroyed. There are many photos of the IDF inside Hamas tunnels; the purpose of CN is to provide factual context, not partisan debate without evidence. [Link] [Link]
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