2023-12-24 20:08:33
According to 'WHO, Global Health Estimates (2020)' of 20-24 year olds who committed suicide in 2019, Israel ranks 103rd in the count of suicides per capita, below Iran, Libya, Qatar, Yemen etc. [Link] CURRENTLY_RATED_HELPFUL(70-1-2) Author
2023-12-25 03:15:14
Grossly false.There is no evidence to support this claim. So it is deliberate misinformation. According to WHO, Israel suicide rate at 5.3 per every 100k is ranked 103rd highest. Lesotho at 72 per every 100k is highest. [Link] NEEDS_MORE_RATINGS(54-3-3) Author
2023-12-25 09:24:52
No, it is not. Israel's suicide rate is currently at 83-th position in the world and can't be called being among the highest ones [Link] NEEDS_MORE_RATINGS(25-2-2) Author