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2023-12-29 19:22:55
NNN. Open Border is a subjective term not objective.
2023-12-29 19:34:28
An open border is a government policy that allows the free movement of people and goods with little to no restrictions. [Link] The US does not have an open border with Mexico. It is illegal to cross without going through border control, and the borders are patrolled. [Link]
2023-12-30 03:35:38
The “border crisis” is false. Made up by MAGA GOP to change specific laws that will put people in for profit detention centers that give to GOP campaigns only. These centers get paid by people to transport these immigrants to work for free. This video offers full explanation. [Link]
2024-01-09 17:32:41
America’s open border policy is attracting unauthorized migrants from afar. Men, women and children travel long distances, including from Brazil, Venezuela and African countries, to reach the United States southern border and then walk through gaps in the border wall. [Link] [Link]
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