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2024-01-02 23:39:55
COVID vaccines are not ineffective and dangerous killing millions of people. COVID vaccines have a reassuring safety profile and reduce COVID hospitalization and death. England for example has 63 vaccine deaths. Australia has 14 vaccine deaths. [Link] [Link] [Link] [Link]
2024-01-03 00:39:37
There is no good evidence that current Covid vaccines and boosters have any net benefit for any population. There are no RCT. There is evidence to suggest that current vaccines may also impair the immune system from responding to new variance. Cited studies are observational. [Link]
2024-01-03 05:02:11
NNN. The poster does not claim that the vaccines causes millions of deaths, only that they are not safe. The proposed CN seems to address the linked video rather than this post.
2024-01-03 05:08:46
NNN Vaccines did not reduce breakthrough cases. Although vaccines may reduce death/serious illness, only by reducing breakthrough cases can it reduce mutation. Death decreases mutation. [Link]
2024-01-03 07:35:33
COVID-19 vaccines are generally safe for humans. If there are any doubts about vaccine safety, they will not be approved and therefore cannot be used. They are monitored constantly after approval. There are also strict rules on side effects. [Link] [Link]
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