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2024-01-03 01:17:13
The governor's depiction of a 2022-2023 homicide decrease overlooks the broader context. Since 2019, numerous cities such as LA, NYC and Chicago have seen major increases. These cities had 258, 319 and 491 homicides in 2019. In 2022, Chicago saw an 83% increase from 2021. [Link] [Link] [Link]
2024-01-03 01:43:28
Governor Newsom explicitly claims the drop is year-on-year and says nothing about the overall trend one way or the other. To shift to that is to expand the conversation, which is not what community notes are for NNN
2024-01-03 20:36:54
NNN. The claim made here is factually true and supports long term homocide drop over time, with a slight bump (6%) during 2020-2021 that has since come back down. [Link]
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