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2024-01-06 22:51:52
The post gives graphs with from the Palestinian side only showing Gaza, where a lot of Palestinians fled to after the Israeli violence, instead of the total Palestinian numbers. Also the post only uses the time frame 1960-2020 which leaves out the mass killing of Palestines. [Link]
2024-01-06 23:25:53
NNN. Note displaying the nakba as proof of genocide shows a misunderstanding of what it was. It was a displacement of Palestinians not a massacre
2024-01-06 23:56:52
NNN *Palestinians have not fled into Gaza in the period graph discuses *Gaza population grew massively since the Israeli occupation in 1967 * 2023 war death numbers are 1%, given the high birth rate of 3%, the effect on the graph would not be dramatic. [Link]
2024-01-07 14:32:42
The crime of Genocide could be committed by killing just one person if the rest of the criteria is fulfilled. That means that the demographic evolution in Gaza is irrelevant to assess whether this crime was committed. [Link]
2024-01-07 18:42:05
The provided picture may not conclusively indicate the absence of genocide in Palestine, as the graph starts in 1960, omitting the significant non-jewish population drop in 1948.This omission could potentially mislead the reader by not reflecting the true historical context. [Link]
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