2024-01-12 09:18:32
The Dev who made this game has liked hate speech in the past and is trying to hide that fact and many other things. This video covers everything that the dev has done and is trying to hide [Link] NEEDS_MORE_RATINGS(20-2-29) Author
2024-01-12 16:37:40
No note needed. People are free to support or not support whomever they wish. However that is absolutely irrelevant as a community note. They are not places to air dirty laundry, only provide context and refute factual claims. Post makes none, there's nothing to refute. NEEDS_MORE_RATINGS(9-0-13) Author
2024-01-12 20:28:54
Controversy is not just about hate speech, many problems goes as far as in his games as a whole. Like by using real records of 9-1-1 calls, among many other things as pointed in the following sources: A testimonial of someone who worked with him in one game: [Link] Some more info: [Link] NEEDS_MORE_RATINGS(22-2-21) Author
2024-01-12 20:39:34
NNN - the notes above are the definition of irrelevant. Those should be in the comments. Notes is not a place for activism simply because you disagree with the messenger. NEEDS_MORE_RATINGS(9-0-5) Author
2024-01-13 02:11:54
This is about the notes above talking about his controversies. While it is upsetting, the others have a point where it’s irrelevant. There is nothing to refute about the author’s tweet. NEEDS_MORE_RATINGS(5-0-3) Author
2024-01-13 18:40:56
No Note Needed. The game developer's personal views are completely irrelevant to the tweet, and do not need to be announced via Community Notes. NEEDS_MORE_RATINGS(8-0-3) Author
2024-01-14 17:43:46
NNN. It's simply a plain promotion of the created game. Community Notes aren't used to cancel people, so that should revoke access to Community Notes. NEEDS_MORE_RATINGS(4-0-1) Author
2024-01-14 18:17:36
NNN. Use the reply function to voice your concerns about the game developer instead of abusing community notes to highlight it. NEEDS_MORE_RATINGS(3-0-1) Author