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2024-01-10 23:15:53
There is no mention in Quran for Israel as a kingdom or a place. Quran only uses "Bani israel" to refer to Jewish people. The post is mixing up 3 different things: the word Israel, the ancient Kingdom of Israel, and modern day state of Israel which was founded in 1948. [Link]
2024-01-10 23:54:13
NNN. OP did not mention how Israel was mentioned; only that it was mentioned. Note belongs in comments.
2024-01-11 11:55:47
It is stating fact and timeline which are historically factual and accepted. Israel is 4000 yrs old Judaism celebrated 5784 yrs in 2023. Christianity stems from Judaism is 2024 yrs old. Islam which also uses Judaism as its roots is 1500 yrs old. Those are indisputable facts [Link]
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