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2024-01-11 16:20:16
This has been edited. The actual ranking has extreme weather events at the top of the list, followed by “AI generated misinformation and disinformation” and “societal and/or political polarization”, then “cyberattacks” [Link]
2024-01-11 16:31:21
The previous note is not correct, it refers to another graph. The graph linked can be clearly seen in this link [Link] if you scroll down, you'll see that fighting "misinformation and disinformation" takes the first place in the graph. So the comment is correct.
2024-01-11 16:32:44
NNN The proposed note is incorrect as it refers only to the ranking for 2024. The 2 year timeline ranking as specified in the post is correct. [Link]
2024-01-11 16:44:15
While this does come from the WEF publication this chart is about a subset of stakeholders, "Civil Society" (Figure 1.5) not the full risk landscape (Figure 1.2) which has Extreme Weather on the top. The image has been cropped to remove this context [Link]
2024-01-11 17:40:01
The image in the post correctly shows the actual results of the WEF Global Risks Perception Survey 2023-2024 (GRPS) when it comes to the severity of risks most likely to present a material crisis on a global scale over the next two years. [Link]
2024-01-12 11:35:22
One CN points out Figure 1.2 which has Extreme Weather on the top. It's cherry-pick, Figure 1.2 is for one-year time frame. Figure 1.3, for two-year time frame, does have Misinformation on the top. [Link]
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