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2024-01-13 04:36:55
"this is the same gang that 'surrendered' in Afghanistan, where no one was held accountable or FIRED" actually, Trump came up wit the plan to exit Afghanistan, Joe Biden later followed the plan. [Link]–2021_US_troop_withdrawal_from_Afghanistan#:~:text=On%208%20July%202021%2C%20President,be%20on%2031%20August%202021. [Link] [Link] This was done by signing the US–Taliban deal in 2020 [Link]–Taliban_deal [Link]
2024-01-13 04:54:31
NNN. Post and image are opinion. The community note claiming Biden followed Trumps plan is misinformation and distortion of events. [Link]
2024-01-13 05:18:39
Trump dropped more bombs in Afghanistan than had been dropped in previous 10 yrs. Then he abruptly changed course and started pulling out troops. He removed so many that areas with equipment were left unguarded,Biden had no choice but to abandon equipt,or send troops back. [Link] [Link]
2024-01-13 19:23:31
CN allows users to "add context to potentially misleading posts". It is only necessary that the post is POTENTIALLY misleading, & claims from a former president like this could mislead some, as he should have some expertise. It's not just opinion. The top notes are helpful [Link]
2024-01-13 19:38:00
NNN, as the post is a personal endorsement. The proposed notes can instead be added to a post that directly make the claims shown in the image.
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