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2024-01-17 08:31:13
The Irish were not Asylum seekers in 1980. All Irish citizens and indeed British citizens have a right to free movement and to work visa free. [Link] Comparing that with Visa holders here would be more appropriate. Comparing that with those seeking refuge is misleading.
2024-01-17 10:47:32
NNN - the OP does not suggest the Irish were asylum seekers in the UK. They have expressed a general opinion about immigration. CN should be used to combat misinformation and add context when general users could be deceived, this is not the case here.
2024-01-17 17:23:25
Irish people were never seeking refuge or refugee status in anywhere in the UK. They have rights under the Common Travel Area agreement which predates EU. [Link] The demographics of Cricklewood were never 50% Irish & they were there for employment as the UK had labour shortages, [Link]
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