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2024-01-22 11:42:04
Comparing the relative death tolls is highly misleading, since in Ukraine and Iraq the war was limited to a part of the country. In the areas of intense fighting, the death toll was much higher - for example, in Mariupol about 75,000 were killed - 17% of its population. [Link] [Link]
2024-01-22 11:51:05
NNN. Original post presents factually correct numbers and OP opinion about said numbers. NNN Stop abusing community notes, your opinion belongs in the comment section. NNN
2024-01-22 13:06:21
The Gaza Health Ministry provides the statistics. It operates under the administration of the Hamas authority that has run the territory since 2007. The MoH does not distinguish between civilians and militants. It does not note civilians killed by failed militant rockets. [Link] [Link]
2024-01-22 13:39:34
Albanese's figures are corroborated by CNN. About 25k killed of a pre-war population of 2.048 million comes out to 1.22%. Please use the reply function, not CNs, for debate. [Link]
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