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2024-01-24 12:55:31
The cited post criticizes Margot was not nominated for Best Female Actor for Barbie, film w/ a feminist message, while Gosling was for being Ken; referencing The Man due to most votes for nominees coming from men. The author suggests men took Margot’s place, which isn’t true. [Link]
2024-01-24 13:11:34
NNN. Margot Robbie wasn’t nominated because she was not better than the other actress. The fact the movie has a feminist message does not mean Oscar’s is obligated to nominate her just because of that. You get your nomination by merit, not political agenda.
2024-01-25 03:11:45
NNN. The post is a joke. It states that Margot was not nominated (which is true) and then jokes that men dominate a female category (which is absurd and obviously intended as humor). It's not seriously claiming anything about anything.
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